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  August - September 2012 Messages
September Messages:

Sananda and Mira of the Pleiadian High Council ~ Bring Yourselves Higher ~ As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda ~ September 23, 2012

Hello, dearly beloveds, we come before you today with more help in embracing your ascension process. We are your guides, and the work is up to you.

We wish to speak to you today of the increments you are indeed achieving in the raising of your frequencies moment by moment. There are many things that enhance it and there are many things that can deter from it.

Consider now what your focus is in the moment, dear Ones. Where does your focus lie right now? Is it what you would label as a love-based thought? Is it clouded by concerns for survival or residue from still lingering fears and limiting beliefs of your true essence? ....More
Sananda ~ Be Your New Selves ~ As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda ~ September 20, 2012

Hello Dear Ones. I am Sananda, here to give you a message of Love and encouragement on your next leg of the journey toward enlightenment.

Much has transpired, much is in the ethers and a new day is dawning for Humanity.

You are all so precious and capable. You are bringing the energies forth with such power and creation. You are to be commended. New Earth is at your fingertips....MORE
Yeshua and the Company of Heaven ~ Unleash Your Creative Power ~ As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda ~ September 13, 2012

Greetings, fellow Lightworkers. I come before you today with the Company of Heaven to rejoice in your commendable progress. 

Throughout your World there has been much awakening, an opening of proportions not seen before. You may be feeling a lull of energy right now, but behold that with this is stirring much that is unseen.

My dear friends, what is your desire for your World? Make that forefront in your minds and hearts right now. With the energies now present you may mold anything you like. Do not let any boundaries of prior thought patterns hold you back. You are leaving that behind with all the releasing of old energies of duality that you all have been so immersed in of late....More
Sananda ~ Be With and Of the Creator ~ As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda  ~ September 3, 2012
Greetings, beloved Lightworkers. I come before you today to speak of more assistance in your ascension process.

You are all progressing very nicely in your process. The last energy surge and influx was instrumental in bringing more and more of you on-line. Now you are processing what you have received. The influx continues but you are more prepared and ready to receive than before.

You all are unique in your process but all contain the seed of Divinity that is ever growing in strength as you progress....More
August Messages:

Yeshua and the Company of Heaven ~ Be One With Us ~ As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda ~ August 8, 2012

Hello my dear friends. I come before you today with the Company of Heaven to congratulate you on a benchmark in your development. Yes, you have achieved so much. You have accepted the Light and have blossomed within it.

The road you travel from here on out is one of such magnificent promise. We of the Company of Heaven await your further development, which has been glorious to see so far.

You have embraced your comrades, your fellow Lightworkers, your fellow Beings, your loving family of the Light, whether it be Celestial, Galactic or Human; we are all the same, and we are coming together in such grand purpose...More

Mira the Pleiadian and Sananda ~ Let There Be Light Bodies! ~ As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda ~ 8.2.12
Greetings, beautiful Souls that you are! I am Mira of the Pleiadian High Council, together with Lord Sananda, here to bring you, with Love, more information for the successful continuation of your Ascension Process.

Many of you are feeling light-headed with feelings of pressure around your heart. Do not despair. This is good news.  You are progressing nicely.

It is necessary for your heart to expand in this process; increments of energy are constantly being downloaded to those who accept it fully, to expand and upgrade your hearts, and the combination of heart pressure or even palpitations along with a feeling of light-headedness is part of the process...More
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