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      September - October 2013 
           Channeled Messages

September 2013 (October follows below):

Sananda: Walk Forward Into This New Mist Of Love That You Have Built Within You and Share It With The World Now~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda ~ September 2, 2013

Greetings, fellow Light Beings, and purveyors of Peace and Love. I greet you this day with so much love in my heart for you all and with so much gratitude for your relentless service to all mankind. You are doing splendidly despite all odds, despite all obstacles, despite all interferences.

You keep on going despite it all, and that is the reason that you were chosen for this task, and the reason that you accepted it with whole hearts and lightness in your being, for you knew that you would succeed in this mission of bringing whole and Divine Light to the World as you greet your whole Divine Selves in concert with Creator once again...More

Mother Mary: You Are As Big As The Multiverses, As Illuminated As The Stars – As Channeled by Fran Zepeda – September 8, 2013

My dear ones, the peace in your hearts is palpable and growing, as you progress through your ascension process and your opening of your beautiful hearts for yourselves and all mankind. It is a beautiful sight to see and I stand before you to tell you that you are so loved and cherished. 

You are learning to love and cherish yourselves on an even greater level and magnitude, dear ones, and for that and from that you will see much expansion. For it indeed does start with yourselves. Oneness begins from there. Peace begins from there. Expansion begins from there, and from there, all else is affected and nourished on out to infinity...More

Mother Mary with Yeshua and Mary Magdalene ~ Divine Inspiration – Channeled by Fran Zepeda - September 16, 2013

My dear ones, I speak today with my beloved soul family, including this channel, to spread our deep love to you from behind the veil but not really so far behind the veil in essence, as we are all communing together with you to anchor the Love and Light further upon this planet and the universe and all the multiverses.

And suffice to say that I have always been with you, imparting inspiration and insight that awakens your own. And this is the process you are moving through, awakening your own divine knowledge and insight and inspiration.

Divine Inspiration is a beautiful concept. It means breath, breath of God, of Creator, and as such it is your divine birthright and your divine essence. It is always at your disposal. It is insights and love energy with the purpose of awakening your inner resources of Knowledge and Creativity. Think of it as a bellows that with more air, in the form of love and light, it sparks the embers of the eternal fires into pure glowing golden light that is pervading all right now, within you and without you and around the globe and universe and multiverses....More   
Master Lanto: You Are Full and Conscious Divine Beings ~ Channeled By Fran Zepeda ~ September 19, 2013

Hello dear ones, It is I again, Master Lanto, bringing you wonderful news on your progress in your ascension process.

As it stands right now, your illumination and the development of your crystalline bodies has increased tenfold, even a thousandfold from just a little bit of time ago.
You are growing and expanding in leaps and bounds and your radiance is astounding and magnificent. You are all looking like beautiful stars to us here in the Celestial and Galactic Realm.

And my dear ones, you are just becoming brighter day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute, and second by second, as is translated into your linear concept of time. In the Now, you can be considered expanded to full capacity, in that you are BECOMING that very thing as you develop further in each Now moment....MORE

Yeshua and the Company of Heaven ~ The Sky is the Limit ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda ~ September 23, 2013

Hello our dear illustrious ones. You have made it through yet another significant marker of your journey into and of ascension, and the energies are settling within you and about you, and reveal and represent and portend a significant jump in your vibration both individually and collectively.

The universe is expansive. But your energies are also expansive, and you are realizing that you can be as big in your energy as the universe and even beyond that to the multiverses. The expansion of your energies is so immense right now. As it settles and integrates, be prepared for many insights and inroads into a new way of living. 

You have left the old behind in so many aspects and so many connotations of the concept of duality. You have been allowed by your own intentions to open the doors of your proverbial cage of duality and can now breathe free and soar through the door into many vistas of beautiful realities and possibilities, and yes, into the unknown, but dear ones, you are ready for that; you are prepared...More


Mary Magdalene: You Are All Exalted Beings of the Light –Channeled by Fran Zepeda – September 29, 2013

My dear friends, my dear beloveds, I come before you today to discuss an important topic in your development. Not all will relate to this in the same way and not all will understand it in the same way. For you are all developing at different speeds and rates and all is perfect for each of you individually at this time.

What I have to share today is about your connection to your higher selves, to look at it in a different perspective and to understand it in a different way. You all have the potential to be one with your higher selves and with your higher aspects and all have the ability to connect with Source in this lifetime. 

You do not need to go through an intermediary. Yes, until your telepathic abilities are completely honed, it is helpful to receive information through pure channeled sources, and it is also helpful in allowing your connection and your confidence and your abilities to develop as you connect with the love energy from channels connected with Source information...More

 October 2013 Messages:   

Master Lanto: You Are Glowing Orbs of Light ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda ~ October 8, 2013

Hello dear friends, the Light of all Creation and Love that you are. I speak today about energy, about light, and about the radiant quality of it. By now you are increasing your radiance tenfold with each breath you take, with each surrender to the energies that are impinging upon you for the good and love of all.

By all means you are not alone. Thousands and millions of you take part in this grand awakening – human, celestial and galactic. And let it be known that you are all such an integral part, for you are all a piece of Creator, filled with the full magnificence and abundance of Creator.

And with that you can create all you need, all you want and all that is necessary. Let no one tell you differently. There is no formula. There is no creed. There is no waiting around for a specific event; you are doing it now, sweet ones. You carry the torch. You are the link. You are the substance of the light that is carrying everything forward into this new world of Abundance and Light and Love that only you can perceive in your own capacity....More

Yeshua: You Are The Strongest of the Strong  ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda  ~ October 15, 2013

Hello my dearest ones, my beautiful friends. I come before you today with so much love in my heart for you and so much hope in my heart for you, and I see so much promise in you. You are the elite of the stars – starlight, every one of you. Your mission continues and it proceeds in ever-illuminated glory.

You may be experiencing a lull right now in what you deem as your purpose, in what you deem as your mission, in what you deem as your path. But do not forget dear ones, that you are ever-solid in your endeavors, and are ever-solid in your missions. 

As you envelop and enfold the energies coming to you, you may feel a difference in your perspectives, in the feel of your bodies. You may not be able to equate it to anything that you are familiar with. Now is the time to just go with it. For in the ever-winding road you are traveling, it is sure to come out into a beautiful meadow of your destination, so to speak, complete with fragrant flowers and lushness....More
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.Lady Nada: Let The Sweet Peace of Your Stillness Be Your Guiding Light – Channeled by Fran Zepeda on October 21, 2013

Hello my dear ones. It is a wonderment to see you all progressing oh so well. The changes within you are astounding and although it has been a challenge for some of you, you are graduating with flying colors.

It is not to say that the difficult times are over. However, many changes have been made to your light bodies and inner selves and you will see a marked change in your environment as a result.

All-be-it to say you are a work in progress, a wonderful and delightful work in progress. If you were to see a graph of how far you have come, it would astound you.

You are now making a very steep climb, so to speak, and it is only treacherous if you view it as such. The changes within you warrant a completely new operating system, as you would term it in your computer verbiage....MORE

Please Note: All Messages after October 21, 2013, other than the current message, can currently be found on my blogsite, www.franheal.wordpress.com
 under the category/page "Fran's Channeled Messages". Blessings
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