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      October 2012 Messages

Archangel Michael and the Company of Heaven ~ Be the Vision ~ As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda ~ October 21, 2012

Greetings, Beloveds, Light of the Divine, Light of the Universes, Light of Creator of All-That-Is, that you all are.

We come before you today to speak of the Shift in Consciousness that you are all a part of, that you all play such an important part in.

Behold the changes in your bodies, physical and light bodies alike. You are indeed integrating the two and you are indeed benefiting from the raise in consciousness, ever-present and on-going. You have raised your frequencies and continue to do so. And you are in turn, affecting all around you in doing so....More

Yeshua and the Company of Heaven ~ Play in the Garden of Love ~ As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda ~ October 15, 2012

Dear friends and beloveds, we come before you today to share some secrets of life. They are not truly secrets if you look at them as the truths you have been holding on to since the beginning of duality, when you embarked on your quest for knowledge, independent of the knowledge and truth of your Divinity and Wholeness.

You always carried a thread of this true knowledge of your Divinity and Wholeness and that is the secret you are allowing to come into your consciousness as we speak.

You hold those morsels of truth deep within your hearts and they are like seeds rapidly growing to fruition.  What it takes for them to grow, you often give with love and abandon, but there are times when you pull away from their nurturing because the pull of the familiar beckons you...More


Sananda and Mira of the Pleiadian High Council ~ Your Ascent with the Light is Building ~ As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda ~ October 8, 2012

Hello Dear Ones. We come before you today to give you more news of your enlightenment.

 So much is being said and touted about the energy downloads of late, and indeed an increase is building as we speak. So much is there for you to absorb and welcome. Please welcome it now with your full hearts, dear ones.

Never in your history has this much Light been offered to you and you are receiving it well. It may be taking some adjustments in your lifestyles and your energy, but it is so well worth it. For this is the beginning of so much you could never have imagined was possible...More


Archangel Michael and the Company of Heaven ~ Love is Your True Test of Reality ~ As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda ~ October 3, 2012

Hello, Dear Ones, our brave Lightworkers that you are. We come before you today to speak of Faith. Faith is an elusive term at times and at best.

We beseech you not to waiver in your faith, your faith in what is to come, of what is happening in your lives right now. For, dear ones, it all depends upon your Faith.

Faith for some right now is being put to the test, for what appears to be reality is not always what you had hoped for. We are here to tell you that now is the time to look beyond what is seemingly your reality, beyond what you are hearing and seeing and experiencing with your five senses....More


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